Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Welcome to RAOB 2016

How is it September 2016 already?

The kids are back in school, Bake Off is back on the telly and Random Acts of Bakeness is back for another year of randomly sending deserving people baked treats!

That's right, we're back and determined to make RAOB 2016 bigger than ever before.

If you don't know what Random Acts of Bakeness is, well, people from all over the UK nominate others that they think are deserving of a treat. It can be for ANY reason. Then the army of volunteer bakers all over the country step up to the plate and bake them something wonderful, packaging it up and posting it to them.

Nominations and volunteering is open until the end of October, so get your skate on before it closes!

Random Acts Of Bakeness Template by Ipietoon Cute Blog Design