
I'm going to try and address some of the questions that I think may be running through your head at the moment.

What on earth is this?
Basically, I saw online an appeal in America called Desserts for the Deserving from a blog called I Am Baker. It called for people to nominate others that would benefit from receiving some baked goods in the post... and for people to volunteer to bake. I wanted to take part, but it was only for people in the US, so I am running a UK version!

So you stole her idea?
No, I have asked Amanda from I Am Baker for permission to run a UK version of her Desserts for the Deserving project. She has given her blessing and has proved to be a vital source of encouragement for me to take the plunge.

How long is this running for?
You will be able to nominate someone to receive a Random Act of Bakeness until October 31st 2016. People will still be able to volunteer to bake for a couple of weeks after the nominations close.

Why is it UK only?
This is to try to keep the postage cost for the volunteer bakers to a minimum. 

What about data protection?
All information will be collected via e forms which will feed directly into google spreadsheets. These spreadsheets are encrypted, password protected and kept on online servers (so no copies will be kept on any hard drives). After the project has finished the spreadsheets will be deleted. You will not be contacted except where necessary for the project.

Due to the nature of the project, the nominees postal details will need to be sent to the bakers. Apart from this, no details will be passed on to any third parties.

So, what are you getting out of it?
Apart from warm and fuzzies... nowt. I don't make any money from this, no money changes hands, there isn't even adverts on this website. I don't get course credits, grades or anything of that ilk; I've already graduated and left university behind me. I have no ulterior motives in this, I'm doing this purely to be a nice person and to make people a little happier.

How can you ensure food hygiene practices are met?
Well, to be short... I can't. The lovely people that are volunteering to bake are from all over the country. I can't exactly go round inspecting all their kitchens and monitoring them now can I?! This whole thing is built on trust.

How do I nominate someone?
Please go to the Nominate Someone page and fill out the e form at the bottom of the page.

Do you cater to any special dietary requirements?
Due to the volunteer nature of this project we can not guarantee the ability of the bakers to meet any special dietary requirements (dairy or gluten free or any allergies). We will ask bakers if they are able to cater to such needs and we will try to accommodate where possible.

When will they receive the package?
We will post updates on when bakers will be receiving information through the blog on this website. Please leave approx 5 weeks after this for the bakers to work their magic, remember... they are volunteers!

The package never arrived!
Please keep in mind that sending in a nomination is not a guarantee to receive baked goods!  This project relies on the goodness of peoples hearts, and sometimes things can go a bit astray. Let us know and we will try to sort something out.

Can I nominate a group of people or a place (like the local Library, or some ward nurses)?
It's not just individuals that can be awesome, so yes, feel free to nominate them! Please make sure to let the baker know just how fantastic they are and why they deserve it. Be aware though that some places like hospital wards have restrictions on donated food.

How do I volunteer?
Thank you! Please go to the Volunteer page and fill out the e form.

When will I get my nominees information?
Once the nomination process is finished then I will start pairing up nominees and bakers. I'll try to do this as fast as possible, but I am only one man and will be doing this in my spare time! Please keep an eye on the site for updates on the project. The nomination process will finish on 31st October 2016, so you'll be baking in November/December.

I volunteered, but I can't help anymore!
I'm sorry to hear that you can't help us anymore, but thanks for letting us know. Please send an email to so that we can remove you from the contact list and re-match your nominee.

How long have I got to bake?
We would ask that you bake something and post it within 5 weeks of receiving your nominees information.

What should I bake?
That is entirely up to you! I would recommend something like cookies or tray bakes as they would be a bit more robust in the post.

How on earth do you post baked goods?
When I have done it in the past I got a cheap tupperware box, filled it with baked goods and put that in a padded envelope. If you have any problems then talk nicely to your post office, they will be able to help!

Can I bake for more than one person?
Of course! The form has a specific question of how many nominees you would be willing to help.

How do I get money back for ingredients/packaging/postage?
I'm asking you to be very generous and fund your Random Act of Bakeness yourself. I know that it is a lot to ask, and it's why I thank all of you that undertake this from the bottom of my heart. You are all made of awesome!



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